Thursday 17 September 2009

Katherine Gorge or Nitmiluk

The Aboriginal name for this area is gradually being adopted as the de facto title on all public signs and parks. It is a very popular tourist destination and we booked a pleasure boat trip for the morning of our second day along the river and through the gorge. But first we walked from the camp site to the boat ramp to make sure that we knew were we were going for an early start.
Also a short sharp hike just before sunset to a viewing point from where we can see the gorge from on high.

The walk back was in twilight and the grassed parkland was dotted with wallabies.
Morning the next day and we made our way to the boat jetty. Nearby framed beautifully in the morning light was a collection of kayaks available for hire to do the gorge the hard way.

Our boat trip was beautiful and the following pictures will, we hope, show a sample of the views that we saw as we floated gently through.

Because of the topography of the area, we had to disembark from the first boat, walk a few hundred metres and board a second boat to complete the advertised stretch of gorge. The walk took us past our first sight of aboriginal rock paintings.

Finally, another cute wallaby picture. Is this little guy really washing his hands before dinner?

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